New Leaf Your Life presents...

The BS to Bewitching Sisterhood

The BS to Bewitching Sisterhood helps you to connect with spiritual practices so that you nourish your heart and soul.


Imagine feeling freedom around connecting and communing with nature to fill your cup so that you're able to carry out your work more productively because you have Source energy supporting you.


Knowing that the mystical has been demystified for you, and all it takes is a little tweak to get your manifestations going like clockwork.


Learning all about empathic boundaries so that you can speak up when needed, and no longer be steam-rollered because you're in control.


This membership offers support and information in bite-sized pieces around witchcraft, shadow work, chakras, akashic records, spirit guides, manifesting, self-care, mindset magic and more.

🌙 Embrace the Effortless Magick of Your Soul's Desires 🌙

Ready to unleash your inner witch and step into a world of empowerment, wisdom, and enchantment? The BS to Bewitching Sisterhood is here to elevate you, support you, and light up your spiritual path like never before.

🌠 Give Yourself Permission to Shine 🌠

Imagine the liberating feeling of granting yourself the freedom to be unapologetically YOU. No more holding back, no more second-guessing—just pure, unfiltered soul desires taking flight!

🌟 Embrace Life's Obstacles with Ease 🌟

Life throws challenges our way, but fear not! In the Sisterhood, you'll find the unwavering support and strength to handle anything that comes your way. Together, we'll embrace obstacles and grow from them, emerging stronger and wiser.

🌙 Unite Your Higher and Physical Self 🌙

Forge an unbreakable bond between your Higher Self and your Physical Self. With this cosmic connection, you'll tap into your true power and become an unstoppable force of nature. And the best part? You'll be surrounded by a kickass witchy community—your soul tribe!

Within the BS to Bewitching Sisterhood, the enchantment never ends:

✨ Tarot, Shadow Work, Manifesting, Lunar Cycles, Energy Work, Chakras, Crystals, and More! ✨

Meet Your Spiritual Renegade Guide 🧙🏻‍♀✨


Your sassy and more than a little badassy Tarot Reader, Spiritual Coach, and ex-teacher of feral teens here to drop knowledge on you with a sprinkle of magic and a dollop of loving self-care.

I've been there, done that, got the awakening t-shirt. I've come out of the spiritual closet and can help you to do the same!


The BS to Bewitching Sisterhood helps woo-attracted women to connect and commit fully to their spiritual practices without overwhelm and imbalance so that they finally live a truly aligned life with inner strength and strong, yet kind boundaries, by using high-level metaphysical teachings.

About The BS to Bewitching Sisterhood

🎴What Exactly Do I Get?👇🏻

đź’« High-Level Metaphysical Teachings for a Truly Aligned Life đź’«

No more overwhelm, no more imbalance—just a soulful alignment that sets you on a path of inner strength and healthy boundaries. The BS to Bewitching Sisterhood offers you the transformative teachings you need to shine your brightest.

  • A Private Facebook Group with Weekly Tarot Forecasts to light up your days
  • Quarterly Teachings on Tarot for Self-Care, Intuition, Shadow Work, Chakras, and so much more!
  • Monthly Meets to share spiritual expansions and gather witchy wisdom from yours truly!
  • The Vault of Training: Boundary Setting, Epic Goal-Crushing, and access to previous workshops like Shushing Your Inner Mean Girl and Procrastination to Productivity!
  • Cosmic Coven Membership: Monthly Astrological Guidance and Lunar Living suggestions—exclusive goodies just for our Sisterhood!
  • What about The TarotCraft School? If you scroll down, you'll get it as a Brucie Bonus for opting for the Majestic Witchy Bish level 🎴🔮🚸

đź’« The Majestic Witchy Bish Option đź’«

Go all-in with the Majestic Witchy Bish option and receive a 30-min monthly Tarot Coaching sesh with me! It's time to empower the shiz out of yourself on the regular!

Oh, and here's a little bonus—choose our pay annually option and get 2 whole months free! Yes, you read that right—lucky you! (For ANY level!)

🤩 AND 🤩

You also get The TarotCraft School included in your Majestic Witchy Bish membership! 🎴🔮🚸

🌙 Your Soul Tribe Awaits 🌙

Join the BS to Bewitching Sisterhood and be embraced by a community of like-minded, empowered soul-preneurs.

No judgment, just love and support. We gather in monthly meets, share our spiritual growth, and bask in the glow of sisterhood.

Your cosmic adventure begins now! Hit that Take My Money, Witch! button below and step into the realm of wonder, wisdom, and witchery!

🤔 FAQs 🙋🏻‍♀️

How can I join the BS to Bewitching Sisterhood?

Click one of the buttons on this page, or click here. 👇🏻

You'll be guided to a link in the members portal to sign up. Drop in your deets and away you go! You'll have immediate access to the classes and bonuses. The Facebook group details are held within the portal too!

Where is all this going down?

The BS to Bewitching Sisterhood is hosted within a portal which you’ll get access to once signed up. Monthly Bewitching with Beverages Lunar Meets, Quarterly Classes, our Supportive Community and any sneaky extras like lives are held within the private Facebook group.

Do I need to pay manually you each month?

When you sign up, you’ll be on a subscription that automagically charges you. No need to worry about manually paying each month!

What kind of stuff will I see in the Sisterhood?

We’ll be looking at things like Intuitive Progression, the Akashic Records, Chakras, Living an Intuitive Life, Witchcraft 101 and much more! There will also be access to my past Workshops on the Inner Mean Girl, Procrastination and Inner Impostor. Workbooks, journals and planners alongside video training within the portal.

Can I get a refund or cancel?

I don’t offer refunds once the payment has been processed. There is no contract so you are free to cancel any time. You are welcome to stay with us for a month, a year, or to infinity and beyond! Remember that the monthly rate you signed up with will be the rate you always pay while you are a member. The monthly price may go up. So if you cancel, it may be more in the future.

I personally recommend you stay within the membership for at least 3 months to give yourself enough time to see results.

But HOW MUCH is it?

Currently the membership starts at $77 for the Standard level. Witchy Bish is more obvs! Please note, this price is subject to change.

What kind of results will I see?

You'll get out what you put in!

You may find learning spiritual shit to be bloody time-consuming, so I've created this Sisterhood to help you learn more efficiently and without the hair-pulling or throwing your magical tools out the window.

You can find a newfound sense of community.

An awakening of your gifts.

A challenging of outdated beliefs.

New and profound knowledge of spiritual practices.

All of this can result from being immersed within this membership.

If you are reluctant to connect, implement or take any action from this community – then it’s unlikely you’ll get the results above. But that is, of course, your prerogative. I can teach you and guide you, but it’s you who takes that inspired action!

I’m a busy bish, will I have time to do all of this?

Yes - if you MAKE the time for yourself.

You’ll have access to any replays at any time you need them, for as long as you’re a member. Most of the Lunar Meets and other lives are streamed into the group, and these will be at different times each month to accommodate our different time-zone sisters! (And where I might be in the world too!)

But I don’t have all the magical tools! Can I still do this?

Absofuckinglutely! As with all information, the most you’ll need at any one time will be something to write on and a device to watch from (and internet access). All the rest can be acquired – if you want – whenever you need it. The only other thing you need is intention.

I have no clue about all this magickal stuff, but I want to learn. Can I come sit with you?

Pull up a chair beaut. We are an inclusive community ready to support, share and LOVE

Together, we rise.

You are worthy and deserving of a magical, easy, abundant life. Here we learn to tap into your unique magic, eliminating any BS beliefs and feelings of overwhelm or disconnect so that you create more YOU time, more confidence and live a joyful life.



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